Saturday, June 18, 2011

Activists highlight Islam-in the daily star in women's rights

Beirut: head to be appointed as the first Muslim women in the United States international religious freedom, Azizah Al-Hibri, a Lebanon-United States Attorney for the Committee and prominent human rights activist, in front of her has uphill battle.

However, worth more than 30 years experience in human rights issues, especially in the United States and foreign Muslim women regarding treatment Hibri know where her priorities lie and how these are some of the worst social injustices to overcome Lebanon can help.

"The first challenge, and the most important one is Muslim women's rights within their own lack of knowledge of the religion," she told the daily star, June 10, United States President Barack Obama [NULL] by after her appointment this week.

"Many people of the time, they did their religion [NULL] know what it is about thinking, but they don't really come back to the original study looked at not from the way, most people don't have the time." she said over the phone, her Office in Virginia at Richmond College, where he teaches law Hibri.

Domestic violence, Hibri moral and social rejects as incorrect the tradition of this misconception most obvious is one of the field.

"Civil court, a lot, but I travel to many Islamic countries were the first Muslims, both men and women, understanding and mercy of God's all women, did not allow violence believes that the beliefs," he said, look and Hibri Lebanon from continuing civil society campaign to support potentially vowed to prohibit domestic violence is struggling to pass legislation.

The current Commission to proceed with the discussion in the draft Bill fire in particular religion, the authorities of the Islamic custom, bath considering it and also has been criticized by newly appointed Minister of sports and youth Faisal Karami, who family values to attack slammed about.

"Women as well as men, believe this need [domestic violence does not allow] abusing them when he was not understanding something has been accepted by God because" Hibri, daily star USCIRF head her new post rather than personal capacity, said said.

"God is justice ... And he's mercy. So understanding and Islamic texts and women, condone acts of violence of those who believe in the kind of interpretation, review and revisit, in great need "more Beirut born Hibri, a Sunni politician's niece and ex-public Ministers, Khalil al-Hibri and the famous Lebanon Scout Movement founder, Toufik Al-Hibri's granddaughter.

She's widely published research and the work itself, like a story about the many early Islamic Hibri, under text, imports, according to Islamic teachings, she justifies the view of.

"I never said Islam's traditional or conservative elements disposition, because we consider ourselves quite conservative when we developed our views, we go back to a very traditional and default text is" in addition, the United States-based civil society groups of their rights by increasing knowledge of Muslim women to promote the status of the world are committed to the founder of Karamah Hibri said.

"We do not invent something new we simply said what shed light on."

Instead, most female genital cutting-Islamic practice-such as is associated with only the horror stories for centuries.

"Islam [NULL] on the lack of a lot of shooting and customary political and other factors have been infected by. [We find] basic problem was that Islam what we are really clean if you want to go back to understanding very gender equitable view "Hibri said.

According to her research work the true teachings and in doing so "God gave them the ability to develop." to work to push him to take an active role in the society to encourage women perform

Political wrangling in almost five months after announcing a new Cabinet on Monday, the participation of women in development, therefore, disappointed by the lack of.

"[The problem] not really political, it is women's rights and leadership in all countries [NULL] is not a very fun Cabinet are women, previous ones when" Hibri said. "I'm a girl's voice is really urgent, Lebanon, where women tend to be more of a voice-based conflict resolution and hopefully mediation and [public] service especially thought.

"Disappointed but also understand so they can do, they can do is wish all success and the best the country calm, peace, so a very delicate situation through the country," she added.

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